Celéri Health Announces First Of Its Kind PainRWD™ Science Cloud for Rapid Pain Data Collaboration


Conshohocken, PA, August 22, 2022 – Celéri Health, LLC (“Celéri”),

Celéri Health, LLC (“Celéri”), the leading provider of pain-centric technology, has announced the offering of their database for pain researcher and stakeholder collaboration – called the PainRWD™ Science Cloud. As the world’s only pain data cloud, it offers Celéri clients and its collaborators a revolutionary way to come together and leverage live real-world data for population health, custom data registries, patient population aggregation, cohort generation by disease, and correlative modeling.

The launch of the PainRWD™ Science Cloud reflects the ongoing consensus that in order to improve the research and management of pain, a greater understanding is needed on the deep diversity of patients with pain. Historical epidemiological and clinical research can impose constraints that prevent modern stakeholders from visualizing the holistic view of a patient on a pain journey across their social presentation, demographics, severity, interventions, responsiveness and outcomes. The PainRWD™ Science Cloud offers a speedy and unique visualization to on-the-ground providers of pain care who may also be investigating with their own cohort or participating with other stakeholders in uncovering correlations between pain endpoints. It also allows for ease of use in looking at curated slices of pain data in co-existing conditions like diabetes, cancer, arthritis and others – which Celéri calls its Disease Communities.

The value of real-world data is that it can be used in real-time decision making for live patient care decisions, for custom population-based utilization review, risk management, value-based care modeling, process improvement, pre-authorization support and for bespoke research. This includes the marriage of subjective and objective data, risk stratification, agile incorporation of wearable sharing, and social determinants data. A live practice example includes the stigma surrounding the opioid crisis and the pain practitioner’s ongoing need to assess patients for risks around opioids. Opioid side effects, risk of misuse, and ongoing fatality rates muddy the waters around authorization and medical necessity. Live RWD for risk identification, likelihood of pharmaceutical response and social profile consideration is a novel solution.

“We have been operating quietly for some time and now we are positioned to launch into the broader market. Our participants to date are using RWD for risk mitigation, contract negotiation and most importantly therapeutic innovation. The response has been gratifying.” said President and CEO, Sean McCrossen. “We have a responsibility to enhance the lives of patients coping with pain and we are going to continue to innovate to meet our commitment.”


“We have a responsibility to enhance the lives of patients coping with pain and we are going to continue to innovate to meet our commitment.”

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