Pain RWD community for science and research.

Our PainRWDTM Science Cloud Collaborative and its Pain Disease Communities provide an easier, more feasible mechanism to generate and analyze real-world patient data. 


Our PainRWD™ Science Cloud is the world’s first
pain-centric dataset

Celéri’s turnkey solution allows partners to rapidly and seamlessly participate in our cloud-based, live disease communities – through longitudinal, observational real-world datasets.

With a robust group of participating real-wold pain providers, we generate live and continuously-updating data and deliver meaningful disease insights to support our partners’ real-world research efforts.  


Just-in-Time Disease Cohorts for Fast Collaboration

Our Science Cloud contains set-aside, pre-defined pain condition cohorts for fast collaboration and analysis. We have done the initial work for you.  You can analyze the data from there. See sample cohorts below.



Just-in-Time Disease List Cohorts for Fast Survey or Education Invitation

Our Science Cloud patients have been pre-connected and offered opt-in for participation in custom surveys or private invitation to local provider education sessions.  Choose your list type (just like a research cohort) and connect with your target populations.

Spinal Cord Stimulation

Leverage data on patients who underwent spinal cord stimulation trial and implant procedures – and see their corresponding outcomes (e.g. PROMIS-29, NRS, PGIC…)

SI Joint Fusion

Dig into the research endpoints around SI joint fusion – posterior approach and more. 

Opioids & Non-Opioid Pharmacotherapy

Review our deep data on the poly-pharmacy of pain patients. Look at 1st line vs 2nd line therapies. View responder information, longitudinal uses, drug combinations and more.


Leverage our constantly updating pain dataset with only patients with active neoplasms or metastatic disease. Analyze the pain interventions in play for those patients, compared to other pain presentations.

Orthopedics and Neurology

Visualize data on pain patients suffering from conditions like stenosis, spondylolisthesis, failed back surgery, osteoarthritis, arthritis, cubital tunnel syndrome, lateral epicondylitis, medial epicondylitis, carpal tunnel syndrome, ligament injuries, migraine headache, etc.


Review the pain continuum of diabetic patients with painful neuropathy (peripheral, proximal, autonomic, focal..). Also, see any additional co-morbid conditions and their impact such as CVD, hypertension, hyperlipidemia…

Behavioral Health

Gather and review data on patients with co-existing behavioral health conditions such as mood disorders, depression, anxiety, and stress – and pain. Or, look at specific active substance or opioid use disorders in conjunction with parallel pain management to discover strategies for buprenorphine pharmacologic treatment plans.


Look deep into how pain and sleep have a real-world reciprocal, interdependent relationship. See sleep deficiency in duration or quality and correlation with reported pain severity. Even better – look at whether sleep deterioration over time is a driver of pain and whether sleep improvement can mitigate pain-related outcomes.


Access our data to look at RWD for migraine headaches, complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS), and post-concussive headaches. View responder information, longitudinal interventions, demographics, social history, personal history, and more.

Join the pain care innovation now!


We have established an advisory committee comprised of industry partners, regulatory agency representatives, payers and patient advocacy groups to strengthen understandings of pain data, discuss its challenges and settings, and promote the advancement of collaborative pain RWD.





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